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Alexandra Pisano- Stratton



Alexandra Pisano- Stratton, LCSW

Allie has a history of worked with clients who were adopted and/or families who have adopted, refuges, and young adults who have aged out of the foster care system. She has worked with clients who have encountered childhood traumas, sexual abuse, attachment difficulties, identity and gender exploration, and grief and loss. Common diagnoses Allie has worked with include anxiety, depression, ADHD, and attachment disorders. Allie will support clients to reach their goals though naming their past experiences, increasing self-knowledge and self-awareness, and adapting their daily routines that promote self-empowerment and motivation.

As a licensed social worker, Allie utilizes a holistic approach and systems theory when addressing trauma in a client’s life. Allie works with the client to problem solve presenting problems and reach identified goals. With a personal connection to adoption, Allie wishes to continue to work with individuals who have been impacted by trauma and instill a sense of control, self-confidence, and hope within each of her clients.

Allie meets clients where they are at, invites the hard conversation they can navigate it together. Allie wishes to be a support to clients, especially those who feel misunderstood, unseen, or shame around their past. Let’s name it- it is a part of who you are- and you are stronger because of it. If you are ready to find some understanding and peace- I am here for you.

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