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Michelle Foley



Michelle Foley, PHMNP

I don't have a favorite type or specialized clientele that I work with. I am willing to work with any client who is in need of care. I find that I often work well with clients who want an alternative to a typical doctor since I tend to look, act and speak more casually with my clients than others in my field. I do well with clients who have complained in the past that their provider 'wouldn't listen' or 'gave me too many drugs'. I always tell my patients that I like to do 1 thing at a time so we can tell what is doing what, that if they tell me something didn't work, I will believe them, and if they don't want to take something, tell me so we can give them something else, or at least discuss why. " I hear all the time ' I stopped taking it a week ago, a month ago, but I never told anyone" Why see a prescriber if you aren't happy with what they are prescribing for you? If you are uncomfortable to say so? Which also reminds me that I always tell my clients that I work FOR them, if a client tells me "I'm fine, the med is fine, my life is fine, work, home, everything is fine " I will believe them. Why would I make changes if things are working? So be honest even if you aren't sure how to express it, tell me, " no, I'm not fine".

I have a dual specialization in primary care medicine with my psychiatry NP. While I refrain from practicing medicine while working in psychiatry, the experience I had working in medicine is priceless when it comes to teaching clients or distinguishing whether symptoms are better managed via primary care/ urgent medical care. I spend a significant amount of my time with clients teaching, whether it be about a diagnosis, or the medications prescribed. I have treated more anxiety with teaching and providing information than with drugs over my career. Whether it be about an upcoming medical procedure like a first-time colonoscopy or explaining the qualifications for being medically excused from jury duty. . My clients have told me that they felt I have made a difference in their lives and that has made me realize that I am doing what I was called to do.

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